Herbs Containers – Flavorsome Freshness At Its Best

Herbs Containers – Flavorsome Freshness At Its Best

Growing a herb garden is a fascinating hobby for a chef. Having the availability of picking some of the freshest herbs just in time for those final touches to a dish can be a chef’s dream come true! Have you ever watched the Jamie Oliver shows where he visits his garden then comes back to his kitchen and cooks up a storm with his fresh herbs and fresh vegetables?

Herb growing has become one of the most popular hobbies worldwide giving every homemaker an opportunity to indulge in some of the best set of fresh herbs while cooking. Growing herbs in containers has become quite easy with the different containers that are available and the best part is that most varieties can be grown in herbs containers. This really suits the person who does not have an outdoor garden, or has an outdoor garden but it is too cold to grow herbs out there.

Herb containers can be placed anywhere around your house, on your windowsill, balcony or even patio. Having a portable herb garden can not only give you great herbs but also make some of the most decorative artifacts for your home.

Alternatively you might find that it is a pleasure to step out of your door and pluck your favorite herbs from your beautiful herbs garden containers and not grow indoor herbs at all.

It is very easy to grow herbs in your container gardens, but here are some tips that you will find useful:

Water drainage: you can choose any type of herb containers as long as they have a good drainage system. This is highly important to make sure that your herbs do not rot in accumulated water. Always put about 2 inches of course gravel or similar in the bottom of your large pots to prevent root rot and less in smaller pots.

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Size: most herbs do not have a large root system so you can use small containers for these type. Just ask at your nursery. This way you can not only save a lot of space but can also make space for other types.

Self watering containers: some herbs need a constant level of moisture in them and these herbs can be grown in self watering containers so that they can grow to their maximum potential. Herbs like parsley, mint and chives do well this way.

Number of herbs: some people like to have bountiful crowded herbs containers, but it must be remembered that there are some plants like basil, which does not like overcrowding and need a very good air circulation. Hence, it totally depends upon the type of plants and their growing requirements which helps you decide on which containers to use.

Design: do not shy away from showing some of the most decorative elements that are hidden beneath these herbs containers. They look fantastic if you can arrange them around your house and can be mixed with perennials and annuals.

Herbs containers are available in a variety of designs and textures, so it is totally up to you to choose your containers according to your garden design. However, it must be remembered that you should only grow what you think is essential and looks beautiful. Keep in mind that terracotta and unglazed ceramics pots do absorb water so in hot climates these are not always a good option as a herbs container.

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