Promote Your Lawn’s Health

Promote Your Lawn’s Health

Chemicals do not have to be used in order to have a beautiful lawn. The truth is, prohibiting the use of chemical on your lawn will make it healthier. Additionally, these chemicals are so toxic that they are likely to contaminate water. The following can be used to stop the use of chemicals on your lawn.

• The weeds are to be removed by hand. This is the best way to control weeds. About 80% of weeds are annuals. You will be able to get rid of them if you remove them before they seed. If there are weeds that are perennials, try to dig out their whole root system to make sure they are not going to grow back.

• Do not remove beneficial weeds such as clovers. Clovers are nitrogen magic types of plant that can help in enhancing the health and beauty of your lawn.

• Test the soil of your lawn with the use of a soil test kit. This will show you the organic content of your soil, its pH balance, including the nutrients to attain the best balance for you soil.

• When your lawn contains bare spots, try to reseed it with a variety of grass. The diseases that infiltrate the lawn are usually selective. Using different grasses will ensure you that the diseases will not entirely wipeout your lawn.

• Aeration will prevent the soil from getting compacted. The heavy thatch will need to be broken through. This permits the reaching of nutrients and organic matter to the root system of your lawn. Earthworms are the best aerators on Earth.

• Grass must always be 2 – 3 inch high. A third of the height of the grass must be cut at one time in order to prevent the grass from going into shock. It is important that the lawnmower’s blade is sharp to avoid damaging the grass. Tall grasses have longer roots, shade the soil and prevent access to weeds.

• Opt for natural fertilizers. They are able to give nutrients to the soil and it also allows longer retain. Organic fertilizers have the ability to decompose thatch grass and grass clippings rapidly. One of the best natural fertilizers available is sheep manure.

• Try to water your lawn only if it needs to be watered any make sure you water it deeply. Your lawn will have shallow roots if you water frequently and lightly. This makes it more prone to disease and insects. One sign that you need to aerate is when water runs off easily.

• Never remove grass clippings. This will mean less raking but also these clippings serves as natural fertilizers if they are not enveloped in chemicals. Make sure that the grass clippings are not clumped so that the decomposition process will advance.

• Never use herbicides or pesticides. These kinds of chemicals are strong enough to kill birds, insects, and earthworms that are valuable to the health of your lawn. Try to discourage pests by practicing natural lawn care.

• Try to have beneficial microorganisms, earthworms, dragonflies, ladybugs, spiders, toads, and frogs. One of the secrets to having a healthy and chemical free lawn are these creatures because they help you maintain your lawn from parasites.

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