Home Contractors

Tips for Painting an All-Wood Window

Wood is a great material for building windows because it insulates well, is very strong and lasts for years. But without a protective coating like paint, they can be susceptible to rot and decay. Before you begin painting your all wood windows, take a look at these tips and techniques and you’ll be sure to get the job done without any problems.
Prepping the Wood
It’s in your best interests to put down a large drop cloth under the window. You may also want to tape painter’s plastic around the window if you’re planning on painting the inside of the …

Remodel Kitchen

How Sealing A Window Can Contain Your Environment

Getting home at the end of a long day normally means that you are tired out and don’t want to have to deal with anybody. All you want to do is to shut the door behind you and not hear or see anything. Whatever is happening on the busy street outside should stay there, but sometimes – especially if you live in an older home – insulation might not be your friend. You might have to consider sealing a window or two at the least.
You might find that you can hear people talking outside, those car doors opening and …