Easy Exterior Home Maintenance Tips for All

Maintaining the exterior of your home in good condition gives you comfort and security while increasing the value of the property. How do you maintain the exterior of your house? How well do you do it? Use some simple advice on how to get and keep everything from the roof and gutter guard to the walls in perfect condition.
Inspect the roof and chimney regularly and make timely repairs. Experts recommend that you inspect the roof and chimney every year in the fall. In this way, you will have enough time to fix any damage and/or wear and tear before winter comes. Make the minor repairs yourself. Strengthen the flashing around penetrations and seal any gaps. For more serious problems and damages, you should call a professional to make the repairs.
Inspect, secure and clean the gutters annually or twice a year, if you have heavy rainfalls in your area. If there is any rust or damage on walls of the gutters, you should definitely have them replaced. All gutters should be perfectly secured in place. Make any necessary repairs to ensure this. Even if you are using a gutter guard system, clean the gutters to ensure there are not any debris inside. Remove the gutter protection, if possible and use a brush to clean the interior of the gutters. If the gutter guard panels cannot be removed, use a strong water flow to do the cleaning.
Install a gutter guard system, if you do not have one. Gutter protection did not use to be very effective in the past, but with the advancement of technology manufacturers have started making sophisticated gutter protection systems that have special angled ski slope designs and flat surface that allow for the debris to fall down on the ground naturally. In addition, the gutter guard surface is made from a thin mesh that does not allow for any debris to get inside the gutter.
Repair the exterior walls and the trim, if you notice any moisture, damage or discoloration when inspecting the house. Consider placing insulation materials to deal with moisture and small surface cracks. Call a professional for major repairs. Repaint the walls every five years or at a shorter period of time, if necessary. Reseal the area around wall penetrations, such as doors, windows and vents with silicon and repair window glazing, if required.
Now you know how to maintain your home exterior without much effort and keep your property in perfect condition.

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