Tips And Tricks For Dealing With A Pest Problem

Does it bother you to see pests scurrying around your house? Perhaps you have a routine pest control service, but it no longer seems effective. Perhaps you don’t want to have to pay them to do that? Read on to learn solid advice about taking care of it yourself.

Have a problem with bees, wasps, or hornets in your home? If so, then try spraying them with hairspray. There are numerous chemicals in hairspray that will not only kill insects, but repel them as well.

Always keep food properly sealed. Many pests love the smell of food, so keep it contained to keep them away. Don’t let trash sit for long periods in the kitchen. Take it outside promptly. Both insects, critters and rodents alike find it hard to resist the smell of garbage.

Is your home infested with ants? Use sugar and borax to eliminate them. Sugar attracts them while the borax kills them. Just make a half-and-half mixture of sugar and borax in a one-quart jar. Sprinkle this mixture along the baseboards of your home, as well as the foundation.

Mint can help in your battle against mice. Plant mint all around the perimeter of your house. Mice will not feel that your location is desirable. If you already have mice, consider sprinkling mint leaves around the affected areas. Mice are repelled by mint, but make sure that you use fresh leaves.

Make sure you know which type of infestation you are experiencing so you know what the best approach is. It is a good idea to see what exactly is attracting them to your house and the best way to get rid of them. Using an approach geared to the annoying pest you are combating is a good way to ensure your efforts are not wasted.

Hairspray is a great way to get rid of flies. While deadly to these insects, hairspray shouldn’t harm your pets. The hairspray sticks to them, leaving them unable to reach food or water. This works on bees that make it into your home.

If you want to eliminate pests from your home and prevent them from returning, you need to do your research. Know what your pest eats, how long it lives, and what it does and doesn’t like. The more you know about it, the more well-equipped your efforts to rid yourself of a certain pest will be!

Exterior lights can be prime sources of pests. Lighting around your home’s entrance should only be turned on when needed, not left on continuously. You can also reduce the chances of these bugs getting in your home by using yellow or orange lights that bugs are not attracted to as much.

Knowing what to do will give you the confidence to take your house back from the pests that have plagued you. So begin putting your plan together to get rid of these bugs for good. You should now be ready and able! You can start getting rid of bugs around your house right away when you follow the tips presented here. You don’t need them to be a problem anymore.

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