Design Your Own Garden Shed Plans! Five Tips to Consider

Design Your Own Garden Shed Plans! Five Tips to Consider

Building your own garden shed requires a set of detailed plans and procedures. During the planning process you should examine some of the many garden shed plans available at building supply stores and on the internet. Compare these plans with your own designs and interests. By following these five tips you you should be able to develop your own detailed plans to build the shed exactly the way you want it.

1. Picture in your mind the garden shed that would look best in your back yard with all the features to meet your needs. Look at pictures of different sheds as well as actual sheds in various neighborhoods in your town or city and make a mental note of each.

2. Examine different sheds at building supply stores such as Home Depot or Lowe’s. Take note of the design of each, their door entry features and their interior size. Look at the prices of each and think how much you could save by building a garden shed yourself and according to your own specifications. Consider also how large you could build it to stay within building regulations.

3. With tape measure in hand note the measurements of various details such as interior length and width, distance between studs and rafters, height of walls, size of door opening and pitch of roof, just to name a few. These measurements can aid you in making your own changes and design plans.

4. Take note of the material used in the garden sheds on display and decide on what improvements you could make. Look at the quality of lumber, sheeting and roofing they used. Remember, to keep the price low, the builders often use lower quality or grade of materials.

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5. Make a scale drawing of the kind of shed you would like to build, such as one inch equals one foot. Then make a scale drawing of all the different parts of the shed, such as walls including stud spacing and headers, front wall with door opening, roof parts with rafter spacing, soffit and fascia, and corner mouldings. Also make a list of all nails, screws and other fasteners.

Since there are numerous garden shed plans on the market and some at a very reasonable cost, you may want to examine them and decide what parts you could use to make your own plans. Making your own detailed plans by following these five tips can give you the confidence needed to do a professional job building a garden shed.

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